About us. K&N Efthymiadis and Certis Europe have formed a new joint venture under the name of KNE Certis, based in Maarssen, Holland. KNE Certis aims to bring the experience, expertise and resources of both companies to the development, registration, marketing and distribution of crop protection products, fertilizers and seeds in South Eastern Europe.
E- Certis je alat za mapiranje, kojim je upotpunjena internetska usluga ESPD-a odnosno predstavlja nastavak navedene usluge koji pomaže naručiteljima i ponuditeljima u identificiranju i uspoređivanju certifikata ili potvrda koji se izdaju u različitim državama članicama i EEA zemljama (Island, Lihtenštajn i Norveška), a koji se koriste u postupcima javne nabave.
Sverige har ännu inte uppdaterat informationen i e-certis utifrån de nya upphandlingslagarna. Eftersom det är en skyldighet enligt EU-direktiven kommer Upphandlingsmyndigheten att prioritera arbetet under våren. E- Certis je alat za mapiranje, kojim je upotpunjena internetska usluga ESPD-a odnosno predstavlja nastavak navedene usluge koji pomaže naručiteljima i ponuditeljima u identificiranju i uspoređivanju certifikata ili potvrda koji se izdaju u različitim državama članicama i EEA zemljama (Island, Lihtenštajn i Norveška), a koji se koriste u postupcima javne nabave. SFTI arbetar för att främja förutsättningarna för en elektronisk inköpsprocess, från e-upphandling till e-handel, inklusive e-fakturering.
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To consult the e-Certis database, simply enter the description of the document you are looking for and select the country in question. Research is possible in all EU languages. e-Certis Initiative and Virtual Company Dossier (VCD): There is a new initiative of the European Commission called e -Certis and the Bulgarian PPA is contributing to it. The idea is to create an international database describing all documents usually requested by contracting authorities on the stage of submitting an The economic operator should only provide information where the contracting authority or contracting entity has specified the objective and non discriminatory criteria or rules to be applied in order to limit the number of candidates that will be invited to tender or to conduct a dialogue. E-Certis Az E-Certis az Európai Bizottság által létrehozott és fenntartott elektronikus rendszer, melynek célja, hogy könnyítse az eligazodást az uniós tagállamok ajánlatkérői által a kizáró okok és alkalmassági feltételek kapcsán megkövetelt igazolások és nyilatkozatok rendszerében. In exercitarea competentelor sale prevazute de lege, ADR proceseaza si prelucreaza date cu caracter personal carora le sunt aplicabile prevederile Regulamentului (UE) nr.
обратиться. e-mail 1@prizma72.ru. ГЛАВНАЯ; КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ; УСЛУГИ E-mail: info@eacsert.ru.
E- Certis je alat za mapiranje, kojim je upotpunjena internetska usluga ESPD-a odnosno predstavlja nastavak navedene usluge koji pomaže naručiteljima i ponuditeljima u identificiranju i uspoređivanju certifikata ili potvrda koji se izdaju u različitim državama članicama i EEA zemljama (Island, Lihtenštajn i Norveška), a koji se koriste u postupcima javne nabave.
1. Με σκοπό τη διευκόλυνση της διασυνοριακής υποβολής ESPD, declarations, e. Certis Clear, Accessible and Competitive Procurement Hungary 14 November 2017 Marc-Christopher.
e-Certis je informačný systém, ktorý Vám pomôže identifikovať certifikáty vyžadované pri postupoch vo verejnom obstarávaní v jednotlivých členských štátoch
E- Certis je alat za mapiranje, kojim je upotpunjena internetska usluga ESPD-a odnosno predstavlja nastavak navedene usluge koji pomaže naručiteljima i ponuditeljima u identificiranju i uspoređivanju certifikata ili potvrda koji se izdaju u različitim državama članicama i EEA zemljama (Island, Lihtenštajn i Norveška), a koji se koriste u postupcima javne nabave.
e-Certis shall make it easier to compare corresponding documents from
Suggest a dataset. Is there any data you would like to find on the portal?
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De Europese Commissie heeft een databank samengesteld met informatie over de meest voorkomende bewijsstukken in aanbestedingsprocedures in Europa. De databank heet eCertis. U kunt bij eCertis terecht voor vragen zoals:
Similarly, e-CERTIS helps public bodies (contracting authorities) to recognise and process official documents issued in another Member State (such as company registration documents or operating licenses) when they receive them in the context of a public procurement procedure. e-CERTIS was launched at the end of 2010.
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Vejledningen ”ESPD – Dokumentation og e-Certis” fra 2017 er ikke længere tilgængelig på hjemmesiden, da den tog udgangspunkt i ESPD-løsningen fra EU-Kommissionen. I notatet ”Gennemgang af reglerne om dokumentation” giver Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen en deltaljeret juridisk gennemgang af reglerne i udbudsloven om dokumentation.
E-Certis je brezplačna aplikacija, ki vsem sodelujočim v postopkih oddaje javnega naročila omogoča seznanitev z razlogi za izključitev ter pogoji za sodelovanje na način in v obsegu, kot so določeni v posamezni državi članici Evropske unije, prav tako pa tudi seznanitev s podatki, katera dokazila je mogoče v zvezi s posamezno zahtevo pridobiti/izdati v državi članici. Traduzioni in contesto per "e-Certis" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: The aim of e-Certis is to facilitate the exchange of certificates and other documentary evidence frequently required by contracting authorities.
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E- Certis je alat za mapiranje, kojim je upotpunjena internetska usluga ESPD-a odnosno predstavlja nastavak navedene usluge koji pomaže naručiteljima i ponuditeljima u identificiranju i uspoređivanju certifikata ili potvrda koji se izdaju u različitim državama članicama i EEA zemljama (Island, Lihtenštajn i Norveška), a koji se koriste u postupcima javne nabave.
E-CERTIS може да се ползва на 21 официални езика. Документи. E-CERTIS не обхваща пълния набор от документи, които възложителите могат да. 28 Jun 2018 By implementing interoperable access to e-Certis, the proposed action will ensure European accessibility, connectivity and interoperability.
The e-Certis tool makes it easier to submit tenders for public procurements in other EU countries. e-Certis is a database and information tool that the European Commission has created to make cross-border procurements easier. e-Certis contains detailed information about certificates, confirmed information and references. e-Certis shall make it easier to compare corresponding documents from
KNE Certis aims to bring the experience, expertise and resources of both companies to the development, registration, marketing and distribution of crop protection products, fertilizers and seeds in South Eastern Europe. e-Certis is a mapping tool that helps you identify the equivalent certificates used in public procurement in different European countries. If you are a BUYER that has to evaluate bids received from various Member States, or a SUPPLIER wishing to participate in a public procurement procedure, e-Certis can help you understand what За нас K&N Efthymiadis и Certis Europe създадоха нова съвместна компания с името KNE CERTIS, със седалище в Маарсен, Холандия. Se hela listan på signature-electronique.pro CERTIS intervient à la demande des producteurs, fabricants ou fournisseurs, pour valoriser un produit ou une démarche, et d’attester au nom de ces opérateurs du niveau atteint.
Raw preview to check the time code flaw with the client. e-CERTIS provides detailed information on the certificates and documents commonly required in procurement in the various EU countries. It is targeted at national practitioners. It helps economic operators, when preparing a tender, to identify evidentiary documents fulfilling evidence required in a foreign call for tender. Providing UK growers with crop protection solutions from soil preparation through to harvest. Integrated Crop Management is at the heart of our business.